
REIKI means Universal Life Force (Energy)
REIKI is a non - invasive method of healing to restore emotional and physical wellbeing.

It is achieved through establishing balance of energy in the human body.

It calms the mind, transcends time and space, and provides nourishing healing energy to the healer and the healed.

REIKI is also called the ENERGY MEDICINE.

1 hour session is $80

  • • Supplies Healing Energy.
    • Breaks down energy blocks, thus allowing energy to flow.
    • Calms and centers the mind, thereby making it possible to achieve a lot more in a given day.
    • Promotes harmony and balance within the body.
    • Steps up body vibrational frequency ensuring good health and vitality.
    • Releases toxins from the body, mental and emotional blocks are removed.
    • Initiates overall repair and self-healing.
    • The body starts to cleanse itself of unwanted, toxic energy, and protecting it from exhaustion, burn out or immune system failure.

  • It is believed that REIKI existed from time immemorial.

    REIKI was practically lost until it was rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan towards the end of the 19th century.

    He opened a clinic in April of 1921, he chose Dr.Hayashi as his successor, the first Grand Master, who in turn chose Madame Takata as his successor. She was responsible for bringing REIKI to America.

    My initiation and attunement into REIKI levels 1 and 2 is from my REIKI teacher Jyothi. She has been practicing REIKI for the last forty years. She is a Level 3 REIKI master where you become a teacher and can initiate and attune others into REIKI.

    Jyothi discovered the benefits of REIKI in a very serendipitous manner after suffering from severe migraine headaches when she was a young woman. A family friend, who was a REIKI practitioner, came to visit her family and they shared Jyothi struggles. After a few Reiki sessions, her severe migraine headaches disappeared. Now Jyothi uses REIKI Healing Energy to work with many people around the world, and she has received very positive feedback on healing.

    Her mission is to pay forward and help heal and initiate as many people as possible to find their way forward through REIKI, as she has experienced immense benefit from this practice. She is a member of IDHN (International Distant Healing Network).